Solar EPC


Detail Project Report

A detailed project report (DPR) is an essential building block for proposals to various nodal agencies, utilities, financial institutions etc. We prepare your DPR with sufficient details to ensure appraisal, approval, and subsequent project implementation in a timely and efficient manner. The DPR typically covers technology selection, system design, power evacuation, project implementation schedule, financial structuring etc.


We use our vast experience in the procurement of equipment and services in line with guidelines and procedures of funding agencies like World Bank for national or international competitive bidding. We help you through the procurement cycle covering formulation of inquiry specifications, development of tender document, management of bidding process, selection of EPC contractor, participation in discussions, preparation and placement of contract.

Engineering Design & Construction

  1. Shading analysis,Array layout & optimization

  2. Single line diagrams, Capacity and voltage calculations

  3. Cable sizing, schedules and routing Interconnections

  4. Analysis, design and preparation of structural GA for module mounting structures

  5. Foundation design and drawings for equipment, structures & buildings

  6. Design and drawings for grading and erosion control, storm water pollution prevention, fencing, roads, pathways and other miscellaneous facilities

  7. Trench layouts and routing,Equipment and switch yard layout

  8. Earthing and lightning protection,Protection and metering

  9. AC design ,Utility bay equipment design and selection,Detailed technical specifications,Development of Bill of Quantities

  10. Guidance in equipment selection,Conceptual design,Preliminary layouts and satellite image overlays

  11. Energy generation modelling and simulation using tools like PVSYST and weather databases like Metronome